Amanda’s success story

The person behind the success.
I came into the care sector after deciding to leave my long served job as a warehouse operator. I knew nothing at all about care but decided to give it my all. I started my journey at The Chimes Residential Home where I underwent intense training and soon thrived in my job role. After a few months I was asked about doing my NVQ and the bosses decided to put me straight forward for level 3 as I had come so far in such a short space of time. A year into the job and I was offered a role as a Senior Care Assistant which I proudly accepted. I was always keen to learn new skills and becoming a senior meant learning to administer medication safely, speaking to professionals and much more in-depth knowledge of monitoring, observing and caring for my residents. For me being a care worker was no longer just a job but a passion and the love and care for my residents shone through.
I made the decision to leave The Chimes to get a job closer to home. This is where my journey at Broadmeadow Court Residential Home started. I was set on as a care assistant so I could learn the needs for my new residents to make sure I could provide person-centred care. After five months I was promoted to team leader once again. At Broadmeadow training was much more intense and the job role required so much more. I now write care plans for my residents, administer medications and deal with the needs and requirements of residents who have many different physical and mental disabilities.
I have worked all through the Covid-19 pandemic and shown my commitment to the job role.
I passed my Diploma level 3 in Care, walking away with a Merit and I am very proud of the person I have become since starting in the care industry.
I would now like to progress onto my level 4 or a management course as this is where I hopefully see myself in time to come.
Tutor Comments.
Amanda has come such a long way in the last 3 years and especially in the last 2 years with her qualification. She came into the care sector just as the Covid-19 pandemic struck and where most may have walked away from care Amanda realised that the vulnerable adults at her home needed her support at such a difficult time.
Amanda was employed as a care assistant when she started and had no experience of care at all, but she is a very quick learner and is always keen to develop her knowledge and skills. She asks lots of questions and observes others and picks up ideas and tips from them, including the District Nurses that attend the home. Her employers picked up on this and decided to enroll her onto a Diploma in Care to aid with her learning and development and decided to put her onto a Level 3 straight away as they knew they were looking to promote her shortly. Amanda started her Diploma level 3 in Lead Adult Care Work and continued with her learning and development through the research she completed for her assignments, handing in assignments that where over and above the standard required and I could see the research she had completed, the reflections of her job role at The Chimes and examples of her residents that she supported so showing she could reflect effectively.
Amanda then decided to move to a home closer to where she lived and gained employment as a carer at Broadmeadow Court (Sanctuary Care). She completed a very comprehensive induction package and developed her knowledge further again. Amanda continued with her Diploma with Sanctuary’s support and not long after starting and demonstrating her excellent caring skills and knowledge was again promoted to a Team Leader. She underwent all of their Team Leader training and this role also included being more involved in the care planning side so this was a new challenge for Amanda, but one she took in her stride as another learning curve.
Amanda has now completed her Apprenticeship in Lead Adult Care Worker Level 3 and achieved a Merit in her End Point Assessment. Now Amanda has found her career passion and has achieved her Level 3, I can see Amanda wanting to continue her learning and development further and she has a thirst for new knowledge and I can see this continuing. I can see her progressing well within the care sector so she can continue to support the vulnerable adults she has come to love and cherish.